Welcome to the new Massi-X DevSite!
Photo by Nikolai Chernichenko
Today I like to introduce you to my new website, built from the ground up.
This website is for me a showcase of all of my work, spacing from the best things I know (Android and Web development) to what I do as a hobby or to help other developers. You should see this as a container where everything I do is current and updated, ready for you to take a look.
Speaking of desing, I focused very carefully on the design as usual, rounding all the rough edges (of buttons) and giving margins (to operate) to components when needed. All of this was possible thanks to the great Unenmployable template (even if the spirit of the initiative doesn’t really apply to me).
Heading over to the main page you will find four sections that covers all of my portfolio:
- Android Apps: Containing of all my Android apps (you guessed it!)
- Other Projects: A list of various projects I am working on. Only one project is here right now, but maybe will grow in the future
- Contributions: A list of all of my contributions to other open source projects
- Blog: Blog posts like this one, obviously!
Expecially for this last one, I think of publishing some article from time to time regarding development or electronic projects, I’m surely not the best around here when it comes to both worlds, but sometimes I find some small tweaks that could be helpful for others too! Really, I will publish everything that comes to my mind there 😁.
A special thanks must also go to Font Awesome for the icons, SweetAlert2 for the awesome popups, cookieconsent for the incredible cookie library, to all the folks around Stack Overflow for many, many little (and big!) tweaks and probably to others that I couldn’t remember right now. A big thank you to everyone!
And thank you for being so fond to me, hope you’ll enjoy the site and (eventually) my work.